Established in 1938, The Austin Company (Austin) provides a comprehensive set of Consulting, Design, Engineering, Management and Construction services.

Austin work throughout the UK and are usually commissioned to design, build and upgrade: industrial, process, research, commercial and public buildings.
Delivery of successful projects on time and to budget requires good people with the right tools which is why Austin moved to CloudFiler.
“In early 2023 we started looking for an alternative. We not only needed a tool that would deliver the mobile working capabilities that we required, but also an ability to file to our Egnyte storage system”. said Kathy Kealy
Data migration was a key concern for the business. “We have a large quantity of archived projects and many live projects too, so whilst we had seen the videos and demonstrations of the data migration processes, this remained a key concern as business continuity was vital, so we were delighted to find that it was quick and simple.”
“After some trials we rolled it out to all our 50 staff. Although Dinamich provided training, it’s easy to use.”
“What I particularly like is that, even though CloudFiler is technically advanced and capable, it is improving all the time and we receive frequent updates, also that the technical support is excellent.”
“CloudFiler gives us the ability to work wherever we are from any device and provides scope to file to multiple types of storage should we need to in the future.“
Kathy concludes that “Changing systems was reasonably easy and to date it appears to be a reliable system”.