File & Search via any device

CloudFiler is a small 'web add-in' to Outlook for filing email into: file-system folders, SharePoint, OneDrive, Egnyte, etc., via any device and then searching for those messages from any device too.

It works with both old and 'New Outlook' on PCs, Macs, phones, tablets and browsers.

You'll be surprised at what our Pico search can do...

What can email management do for your business?

Discover how an email management system reduces business risks and improves efficiency (3.5 min video)

How CloudFiler helps users

See how an email management system can remove the stress of day-to-day tasks like managing activities when co-workers are away (3.5 min video)

Simple & Flexible

It doesn't have to be complex, frustrating or expensive

See product videos
  • Any Device

    No other tool allows you to both file to your own storage locations and search them too from PC's, Macs, browsers, mobiles and tablets

  • Fewer Frustrations

    The software is never blocked by Outlook.
    Suggested filing locations automatically sync to all devices so you don’t have to separately train each one.

    Receive a new PC? You don’t have to: link it to location files, build a new search index, set your preferences, teach it your filing behaviours.

    It just works!

  • Be More Efficient for Less

    Work efficiently from any smartphone, tablet, PC, Mac or browser.
    File and search when disconnected from the office.

    Save money

Peace of Mind

Spend less time managing systems and less money on: software, storage and services

  • Trusted Platform

    Amazon Web Services

    Used by:
    Netflix, Facebook, Autodesk, Sage, AirBnB, LinkedIn, Pinterest, UK Ministry of Justice, US State Department, Dow Jones, Johnson & Johnson, Twitter and countless others.

  • Flexible Licensing

    Automatically exceed your license count in any month at zero cost.

    Automated licensing - Licenses are automatically allocated to users and returned to the pool if not used for 24 hours.

    Use on an unlimited number of devices at no extra cost

  • Future Proof

    Extract your data into structured folders at any time.

    You can even set it to sync continuously

Easy to Manage

Spend less time configuring, deploying and managing the system

  • Regain Control

    Centralised management of: filing locations, security, licensing, settings, defaults, etc.
    No duplication of filing locations.
    No confusion.
    Simple to manage role-based security.
    Provide control to the right people.

  • Easy Compliance

    Set filing locations to sync to multiple places (internal and external).

    No duplication of effort – users file once.

    No human error.

  • Spend Less Time Managing

    No software to deploy to end-users, so no MSI’s to push out and no opportunity for users to be running different versions.
    No location files for users to: load, lose or corrupt.

  • Data Security

    File to your own servers/services.

    Provide managers with 'my-eyes-only' filing locations.

    We maintain belt & braces copies too:

    Encrypted in transit and at rest.

    3 copies of each message held on separate servers.

    Backed up.

    PCI compliant banking level security.

  • No Wasted Time

    New staff? – no problem.
    Nothing to install.
    No location files to load.
    No local indexing – search works immediately.
    No permissions to manage – role based security does it for you.

    Doesn't swamp the network with indexing tasks

Want to understand more?

Do you need to dig into the details of how it works, is it secure, what will you do with your legacy data and what are the licensing options?

Why CloudFiler?


Whether you would like to see a demonstration or just want to ask questions, we look forward to hearing from you.

Enquiry/Demo request