How it all started
CloudFiler began as an ambitious idea: envisioning an email management system unencumbered by technical limitations. We wondered: how user-friendly and versatile could it be if there were no barriers holding us back?
The earliest structured designs for CloudFiler trace back to late 2016. However, back then, the technology we needed wasn’t yet available. Fast forward to mid-2021, and the last technical hurdles were finally overcome, allowing our vision to materialize.
Today, CloudFiler leverages cutting-edge cloud-based technology and development tools, creating an unparalleled solution. We’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s achievable.
Alec Milton
Founder and Managing Director

Alec’s second email management tool was Excitech Mail which he designed with Excitech Ltd’s skilled developers. This became a Symetri product when Excitech was acquired by them in 2020 and was later sold to Pentagon and renamed to PentagonMail Assistant.
Alec is ‘Captain Boring’ if you get him on his pet subject – email management.
Joseph Anderson
Founder and Chief Technical Officer

Joseph is a professional software engineer with experience across a diverse portfolio of sectors at an enterprise level.
His undergraduate thesis was entitled Intelligent Email Filtering with Neural Networks and he has been developing document and email management software since in 2004. He first met Alec while working at Arup Group Ltd where he developed both document management and accounting systems. He then moved into financial services where he managed teams developing highly secure and scalable customer-facing facilities for a major UK bank.
More recently, Joseph led teams developing mobile based high availability cashless payment services for an international consumer-facing business.